Thursday, September 6, 2007

How dare u !!!!!

akk kicap has been tagged me!!!.... how dare u??? what should i write here?? uwaaaaaaaaa.....

5 things in my bag.

1. House Keys, office keys, new office keys, car key

2. Wallet

3. Handphone

4. Pen

5. My access card to enter office

5 things in my wallet

1. Name card (when i have no parking, i block people car and put my name card front of screen)

2. Money

3. ATM card

4. My Kad

5. Licence

5 favorite things in my bedroom

1. my big mirror

2. my pillow

3. my blanket

4. my booster

5. my sleep hehehhe

5 things I like to do

1. Dreaming to become successful enterprenuer

2. Reading - not reading book but forum or blog.

3. Cooking

4. Sleeping

5. Shopping

that's all..........

i dunno who should i tag. i have no friends here.... heheheh