Thursday, September 6, 2007

How dare u !!!!!

akk kicap has been tagged me!!!.... how dare u??? what should i write here?? uwaaaaaaaaa.....

5 things in my bag.

1. House Keys, office keys, new office keys, car key

2. Wallet

3. Handphone

4. Pen

5. My access card to enter office

5 things in my wallet

1. Name card (when i have no parking, i block people car and put my name card front of screen)

2. Money

3. ATM card

4. My Kad

5. Licence

5 favorite things in my bedroom

1. my big mirror

2. my pillow

3. my blanket

4. my booster

5. my sleep hehehhe

5 things I like to do

1. Dreaming to become successful enterprenuer

2. Reading - not reading book but forum or blog.

3. Cooking

4. Sleeping

5. Shopping

that's all..........

i dunno who should i tag. i have no friends here.... heheheh

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

BATA Warehouse Sale

Hi everybody,

Just want to share that BATA factory have a warehouse sale at Kapar, Klang. Last weekend I went there with my hubby & 2 kids to get the biggest lower price of shoes. As usual i like to save money when buy something in clearance stock or sales (actually more to wasting money... ahakss)

The blue shoes is RM9 (normal RM29.90, Red also RM9 (normal RM39.90) and the 2 pairs of sandal is RM5 per pair. The total i have spent for my kids shoes is RM28.00 only.... wah!!! so cheap for 4 pairs of shoes.

Actually i bought my shoes but 1 pair only. With my size 8, i dun have a lot of choice. Sizes was limited myself to buy the shoes. The only size 6 & 7 still available.... I only got one. uwaaaaaaaa!!

So to who's have the small size of shoe. It's the right time to get your stuff with worth price.
As per requested by kak KC (kicap)... i paste my shoes pic that worth RM9 per pair.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Aku Tengah Mengidam

Aku rase aku betul-betul tengah mengidam ni... Aku rase pening2, loya.... asik nak makan jerk sbb nak release kan tension... betul ke aku mengidam nih... ish !!!

betul kawan-kawan, jgn x percaye aku mmg mengidam... aku mengidam nak jadi businesswomen yg success. Aku tak tipu... inilah impian aku... aku benar-benar berhasrat utk berjaya cam org lain....

Aku dah menanam cite2 aku ni sejak aku kenal dunia ni (aku rase aku kenal dunia ni mase umo aku 21 thn, mase ni aku tau mane baik mane buruk) Aku mmg inginkan perubahan dalam hidup. Aku bukan jenis org yg suke duduk di takuk lama... Aku mmg bercita-cita tinggi. Aku mmg sentiasa memegang impian ini....

Aku rasa macam dah sampai masanya aku melakukan perubahan. Aku tgh buat research ni. Aku mesti buat yg terbaik. Aku tak mau lakukan kerja yang sia-sia. Aku mesti merancang dgn baik. Aku tahu kejayaan adalah milikku dgn izin ALLAH yg maha pengasih.

Aku ikhlas, aku jujur dgnMu ya ALLAH, aku tiada berselindung. Kau ubahlah nasibku dgn apa yg aku usahakan ini. Aku memohon yang baik2 sahaja dariMu ya ALLAH. Andai kata ada ujian untuk ku menempuh perjalanan ini, aku redha ya ALLAH.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

My 2 lovely daughters

Insyirah (kebaikan hati) - 4 years

Sayang, Mama not angry with u even u luv to cried so much. Since u're born to this world, u cried so many times. Coz of your cried mama & abah cried too coz we don't know how to taking care of you. Fortunely mama & abah stayed nearby your grandparents home. Mama took u to ur grandmother and asked her why u always crying in a day and night. Your grandmother said that u got colic. A lot of ways mama & abah want to calm u down. Finally, with we're not aware that u're now going to school (kindy). Thanks God.

One more thing, Mama really want to thanks to you coz you're very helpful. You're always help mama to get diaper when Mama want to change your sister diaper. I never asked u to do it, but u happy to help Mama. U're always gave me a pillow when Mama want to breast feed your young sis. I'm so proud to have u as a child and i really2 love u more than i luv myself.

The words that i always remembered and it is out from your mouth is " IN SELALU SYG MAMA.... SYG SGT2"

Hadhinah (Pendidik) - 2 years

Honey, it's easy to taking care of u coz u're not like to crying compare to your elder sis. But i saw that u're more fierce and very indulgently. Once u not get what u want, u will start crying and angry to Mama, Abah & your sis.

The photo was took at MYDIN USJ. I remembered that u forced Mama to let u play with the Bear. There charge RM3 per round. For me it's too expensive when compare to 10 2 10 it's only 50 cent. Luckily your abah are very supportive to pay RM3 to cashier to let u play & not hear your cry.

Honey, i luv your smile. For me you're very sweet. When Mama came back from work & took u from baby sitter house, Mama felt so happy & release when saw you & sister faces....

To my luvly daughters,

That only ALLAH will separating us.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Got hurt by spouse

What happen onces your heart got hurt by somebody that u're really luv??... this is not "membuka pekung d dada" but more to how we're manage the problems. I thought everybody have facing the same problem like me.... we're not angel who's except from sins... sometimes we're sulks to each others or sometimes we're crying.. sometimes we're angry also sometimes we will says loudly that "i can't stand with u anymore".

I, as a women, with the heart like ice, easily become liquid, suddenly facing the reality in a married life. How to proceed our relationship without grievance, hurts and just forget that past memories. It's look hard for me to forget something hurt my heart.

But I just thinking how our spouse see us in their eyes. Maybe he also feel the same. Maybe their heart also hurt by us. heheheh.... i have do my best to make him happy... i hope he will happy and i never ever with intention to hurt him... i gave everything to him...

to hubby,

i luv u, trust me i luv u
but onces u hurt me
i hate u
(hate for the time being only... hehehe)


Assalamualaikum & welcome to everybody who's visit to my blog.

this is my 1st entry, i hope nobody will laugh when reading this....

firstly what i want to say is....

1. i'm not very fluent in english but;
2. i like to write in english
3. i'm the english brokener
4. i just write whatever i know
5. sometimes i will write in malay
6. i feel free to receive any comments from u all bloggers

so to all the visitors or readers.... should u understand the terms & conditions. kindly pls proceed with reading to my blog. if u're not... leave it without any notice.... ahaksss