Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Got hurt by spouse

What happen onces your heart got hurt by somebody that u're really luv??... this is not "membuka pekung d dada" but more to how we're manage the problems. I thought everybody have facing the same problem like me.... we're not angel who's except from sins... sometimes we're sulks to each others or sometimes we're crying.. sometimes we're angry also sometimes we will says loudly that "i can't stand with u anymore".

I, as a women, with the heart like ice, easily become liquid, suddenly facing the reality in a married life. How to proceed our relationship without grievance, hurts and just forget that past memories. It's look hard for me to forget something hurt my heart.

But I just thinking how our spouse see us in their eyes. Maybe he also feel the same. Maybe their heart also hurt by us. heheheh.... i have do my best to make him happy... i hope he will happy and i never ever with intention to hurt him... i gave everything to him...

to hubby,

i luv u, trust me i luv u
but onces u hurt me
i hate u
(hate for the time being only... hehehe)


Makcik Runner said...

org kata rajuk merajuk tu membawa bahagia ek...makin dipujuk bertambah sayang..ala bucuk!

Anonymous said...

sayang adik munga sayang... merajuk ek... selamat berblog..

bunga said...

k kicap : Moga2 kak... hehe laki akak kuat majuk kan... ahakss

k Ara : makin merajuk ingat ade org nak pujuk.... hehhehe