Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Assalamualaikum & welcome to everybody who's visit to my blog.

this is my 1st entry, i hope nobody will laugh when reading this....

firstly what i want to say is....

1. i'm not very fluent in english but;
2. i like to write in english
3. i'm the english brokener
4. i just write whatever i know
5. sometimes i will write in malay
6. i feel free to receive any comments from u all bloggers

so to all the visitors or readers.... should u understand the terms & conditions. kindly pls proceed with reading to my blog. if u're not... leave it without any notice.... ahaksss


Makcik Runner said...

hahaha..macam belajar english 101 laa...

buah cempedak di luar pagar
ambil galah tolong jolokkan
saya mak budak baru belajar
kalau salah tolong betulkan

bunga said...

k kicap : hehehhe tau x per...